Come and Join Me in Building a Better Homestead and Self.

Welcome. I am glad that you’re here. Come & Join Me in Building a Better Homestead where you will be able to watch DIY’s and learn from my success and even some mistakes!

Whispers of the Homestead is a place that I am hoping we can all grow and learn together while building a better homestead.

If you are ready to discuss the rawness of life, are willing to support one another, looking to come and join me in building a better homestead, or maybe just a place to escape and relate, then you have come to the right place.

Come and follow me on this journey where I share things from our everyday life. I will share my fears, daily struggles, anxiety, therapy sessions, alcoholism, relationships; such as marriage, step parenting, friendships, family, and bonus family. Travel. Our pack. Image. Aging. My true passions, gardening and building a better homestead. Our off grid lifestyle journey. The most recent leaving of my career of 17 years, and the most heartbreaking and heavy, infertility.

Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram where I will share more videos and DIY’s. I have shared a link below but you can also access directly from this page, anytime!

Come and join me next time where I share my epic fail in making homemade foaming hand soap… and yes, that is mold growing on the lip of the mason jar. Hopefully I can either save you the time and energy in not doing this DIY or maybe you can help me in what did I do wrong?!

<3 Whispers of the Homestead

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